Monday, October 3, 2011

[day 3] prayer & printer ink

Shew, ok. Time to take a breather from laundry and write a blog post. I hope yall had a great weekend. Knock out any excuses of your own perhaps?

I thought I'd write today about prayer. I've been giving in to the excuse of not having any printer ink to complete my quiet time. It's a sorry excuse really. You see I print out the chapters I am studying onto computer paper so that I can then go through and mark the words according to the study. (I don't have a problem writing in my Bible, but just don't have a Bible with enough room between words for marking!) I didn't have chapter 20 printed out before running out of ink, so I just stopped having a quiet time. Which meant I've slept in and also neglected having a time of prayer as well. Honestly, those days went horribly... I slept in (well, went back to sleep after hubby got up and headed to gym) which meant I woke when Lynn's alarm went off and then couldn't get my shower in before helping Lynn get ready for school and Zane waking up. So, shower time had to wait which just cut into my "me" time during Zane's naptime. Ugh. I am such a routine person, so adding that to a lack of quiet time with my Lord and my days were all thrown off!

Ok, so that was the excuse and the ramifications. Thankfully, today is a new day and I am back on track. I've printed out the next (& final) seven chapters of Acts. I started my day today with prayer as well. Not that today will go perfectly - I already feel like the proverbial headless chicken with all I have to do - but there is a sense of peace within my heart and the "communication lines" are open with God. As I do my chores, I can be in dialogue with Him.
"The children that walk down this hallway I am vacuuming - have mercy on them, Lord, and help them to see their need for You. Guide them to a relationship with You. The husband who looks in this mirror I am wiping off - continue to chisel and refine him to reflect You to others. Thank you for these clothes I am folding, Lord. You have taken care of all of our needs. We have clothes to wear, a house to live it, and food on our table. You know my needs and plan for them before I do. Thank you."
I thank God that His mercies are new every morning and that just because I have neglected communicating with Him, He has never turned His eye from me. 

1 comment:

Courtney K. said...

I like to have things perfect, printed and organized, too. I'm kind of OCD like that. And when my day gets thrown off just ONE time, I'm basically out of commission until I make myself get back on track.