Thursday, July 9, 2009

grocery shopping

Just browsing The Mother Load and all of her wonderful articles regarding cutting down the grocery shopping budget. In sitting down and evaluating our different budget line items, we've decided to cut back cable to save each month and then really I just have to find a way to cut back on grocery shopping and eating out. I just don't know where else it can be eliminated. I feel a certain amount of pressure because grocery shopping is my "domain." The eating out... well, that's all of our fault and we're going to have to be stricter on that. :)
I started by reading an article about "stockpiling" your pantry. I have been saving receipts from my grocery trips for about three months now in order to create a price book, like Amy talks about in her article. Hopefully you'll see that as a "Tackle it Tuesday" post in the near future! :) After reading her stuff and looking at our monthly expenses, I am convicted that that needs to happen soon.
What has been your hardest budget line item to cut? Any specific tips to help cut down on money spent grocery shopping?

1 comment:

Dana Schmoyer said...

My hardest thing to give up was probably eating out, luckily we live in MN though, 'cause there's not many restaurants here that I miss, like I would if we were still in TX.
To save on groceries I try to remember that I can more than likely make some kind of food out of what I have in my the store look carefully at the unit prices. I spend a while shopping comparing prices. Store brand, and shopping at Wal-Mart has really saved me. And learning what days they do great sales.