Saturday, October 15, 2011

[day 15] daddy dates

I'm going to use today to brag on my hubby. Talk about kicking off excuses and stepping up... he has put an emphasis on taking time to date our daughter. He knows that she is developing a standard to which her future boyfriends (one of whom will become her spouse, one day) will have to meet. If my husband treats her like a lady now, continues to value her opinions, and seeks a friendship with her (all the while maintaining his role of head of the household and co-disciplinarian), we hope that she will trust him and seek him/us in times of trouble (and joy).

Last night they just did something simple and went out for dinner and dessert. Splitting a Red Robin burger, then finishing up with unique yogurt creations at Feeney's, provided time to talk and joke around. Mr. H began the evening by bringing home flowers (for both his ladies ;) and, with Lynn freshly showered and hair-styled, they took off leaving me and Zane home. 

This parenting thing isn't easy and while it excites me to see Lynn growing up and forming her own opinions, it also scares me. Our goal is to try and foster an environment of love and safety at home as she tests boundaries and becomes more independent.

Need further convincing? Here's an article from Focus on the Family regarding daddy dates.

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