Monday, September 5, 2011

What labor means to me...

In honor of Labor Day, I’m sharing the hardest work I’ve ever done!
(Thank you for the idea, Kristen at We're THAT Family....)
How long were your labors?
Kid #1, 12 hours
Kid #2, 11 hours
Kid #3, 12 hours
How did you know you were in labor?
Kid #1, 10 days late, induced, met our (surprise) little girl at 8lbs 12oz
Kid #2, 4 weeks early, induced after not feeling him move, our son was born-still at 5lbs 2oz
Kid #3, 2 weeks early, induced for my peace of mind (after plenty of ultrasounds to check readiness), met our little boy at 8lbs 8oz (at that size, he was more than ready!)
Where did you deliver?
hospital (my daughter when we lived in another part of the state & my boys at the same hospital where we currently live)
pitocin for the baby... epidural for the momma!
As much as I wanted one for my second, after we found out we had lost him, the doctor told me that I had to deliver naturally as it would be best and easiest on my body (although maybe not my emotions...). He was right, but it was hard.
Who delivered?
          3 different doctors, each perfect for their pregnancy 

How about you? What are your numbers?
[Did you adopt? (how long did you wait?) Not a mom yet (how long were your mom's numbers)?]

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