Friday, October 29, 2010

a future to "figure out"

So much of our lives these days are, "What are we going to do?" (vocational ministry in chaplaincy or a church or stay in the secular job world). I was listening to a sermon by Francis Chan yesterday and within his message he said something to the effect of that so many times we go to speak or do something and say, "God show up today - speak/work through what I am doing." Yet it's really His show, His "party" as Chan called it. We forget that we are not the star attraction. It is His "party" that we have been invited to. We don't go to something and then invite Him there.
It just made me think of this whole "our future"-decision. Do I just expect us to make a decision of where we need to go and then invite Him there to bless it? Are we so weighed down and caught up in the going when we should be caught up in serving here and now and then be obedient when the opportunity arises to go? And if that's the case, do we even keep walking down a road towards a decision so that doors can open? How do we not make ourselves the star attraction when it's our life we're trying to "figure out?"

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