Saturday, March 14, 2009


"All the pride we defend
Teaches us to pretend
Like we can make it on our own
But we were never made to walk alone"
(from Krystal Myers' song Together)

The point of the song is that we are supposed to help each other through this walk called life, encouraging and praying for one another. Sadly, "building up walls instead of bridges" (additional lyrics, not quoted above) is what we tend to do. I just taught my small group girls last weekend about David and Jonathan and their friendship & love - which was "closer than that of a woman" (2 Samuel 1:26)! Many women do not have a relationship like that, yet we crave it. Women need to talk. We need someone to relate to us, to validate our feelings and thoughts. But yet our pride stops us from sharing or showing a weakness or need. We're supposed to have it all together. Some of our roles: "A busy mom on the go." "A supportive wife with dinner on the table." "A willing, reliable volunteer at church." "A successful, working business woman." Juggling all these hats and greeting others with a smile as if it all balances wonderfully together? Nah, c'mon, let's give it up. Let's be brave enough to let others into our messy life. Let's take a chance, make a friend, and slowly, carefully, prayerfully share. Close friendships truly are a gift from God. If God has blessed you with a "Jonathan" in your life, praise Him for it. If you do not share a close friendship with another right now, pray for one. Ask God to reveal to you who you might be able to confide in.


Anonymous said...

O this is SO SO true. I've been missing my weekly hangout and prayer time with my girlfriends this past month because of a short term commitment, and I have been so cranky and really lacking in patience lately. I was telling my husband, what am I have such a hard time right now??? Then it dawns on me that I've been missing my ladies! "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

Anonymous said...

I have a best gal friend down in Texas, only problem, we're in Minnesota. Our town is small, so there isn't someone in town that I can share ministry struggles with, which gets frustrating. I have met some wonderful women in our church, just feel like I have to hold a part of my life back from the relationship.