Thursday, October 30, 2008

to share more of my story

I've noticed recently that there have been many hits coming from the infant loss blog directory, that I feel compelled to share a little more than where I started this blog up again in July. I have gone in and typed out some of my journal entries into this blog, putting them in the actual date spots in which they were written. If you are looking for more of Nathan's story, feel free to click here to see all my posts labeled "Nathan." Scroll all the way down and then read, making your way back up.
My prayer is that they may be of comfort to those of you also finding your way out from under a shocking loss. I don't have all the answers for my loss (or for anything!) but I do know the One that does and take comfort that one day He will show me bits and pieces of why my sweet Nathan is not here beside me today. If you do not know Jesus Christ personally as your Lord and Savior, you too can have the peace that passes all understanding by asking Him to come into your life and fill you with the most amazing sense of mercy and peace. I would love to speak to you. So don't hesitate to email - just click on my complete profile under "about me" and click email under the "contact."
I put feelings and thoughts out there and just ask for your respect as you read and/or comment. I know you will. Thank you ahead of time.

May God help you through whatever you are struggling with today. Don't sink - ask Him to help you "stand firm in the quicksand."

1 comment:

HDMac said...

What an encouragement your story is. God never makes mistakes and He gives us the strength to make it thru and then to show HIS glory in all things. It takes courage to share all of this.... Bless your heart and God bless your ministry.... the path that God has chosen and that YOU have made a commitment to follow ...

BIG hugs,