Friday, August 31, 2007

Sept. verse of the month

Serve with fear... rejoice with trembling - what a humbling picture. Our God is so awesome and mighty that we should come to Him with a reverent fear. Rejoice with trembling, that we may never take His grace for granted! I think also to point out from this verse, would be the basics of our relationship with Him must include both service and worship!

Psalm 2:11. This is the great duty of natural religion. God is great, and infinitely above us, just and holy, and provoked against us, and therefore we ought to fear him and tremble before him; yet he is our Lord and Master, and we are bound to serve him, our friend and benefactor, and we have reason to rejoice in him; and these are very well consistent with each other, for, 1. We must serve God in all ordinances of worship, and all instances of a godly conversation, but with a holy fear, a jealousy over ourselves, and a reverence of him. Even kings themselves, whom others serve and fear, must serve and fear God; there is the same indefinite distance between them and God that there is between the meanest of their subjects and him. 2. We must rejoice in God, and, in subordination to him, we may rejoice in other things, but still with a holy trembling, as those that know what a glorious and jealous God he is, whose eye is always upon us. (the Matthew Henry commentary)

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