Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I was reading at Light Your World this morning, where Greg digs into a discussion of life. He pulls out the three different Greek words for life, as found in the Bible. Several parts of his post stood out to me:

"My life - my zoe (which he explains is 'the absolute fullness of the life and soul, it belongs to God, it is real and genuine, it is joyfully devoted to God, and it is lasts forever and ever') - depends on making the right choice... and the ironic part of this is I am generally unaware of how this all works. Did I just make the right choice or did Jesus show up and smother me in grace and deliver me from disaster? Maybe it's both. All I know is that, given my inclination to do things my way, the only good that comes from me is the good that Jesus works in and thru me."

"We can't do anything without Jesus. And we can't do anything with Jesus until we go to Him and humble ourselves in His presence. And we can't find a better place to do that than to go to His Word, the Bible, for it is there that He speaks most clearly to us. And we can't find a better second place to go to Him than in prayer, for it is there that we find peace.

We can't be healed in the places we are desperate for healing until we spend time with Him and let His loving, gracious self touch us. We can't be comforted unless we hear His peaceful whispers. We can't have victory in the areas that we need victory until we grasp that He is our victory. We can't have any hope at all unless He is leading the way."

Wow. Thank you for the reminder, for the gentle prodding to desire my "life" to be best described by the Greek word "zoe." The reality is that it could never happen unless we fully rely upon Him.
Be sure to read the rest of his post here.

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