Sunday, September 9, 2007

back from vacation

...and more busy than ever. It's amazing how it takes about 2 seconds for my brain to kick into back-at-home overdrive once I get home from a vacation. We got home about 1 am on Saturday, slept in, then actually had a nice yummy big breakfast before I got started. Yesterday I did 5 loads of laundry, dug into some boxes that were still stacked in our bedroom from when we moved here six months ago, ran to the grocery store, balanced the checkbook/paid bills, and managed to stay current on the football games my hubby was watching (he did help some too, while he was watching) ;-) Today, being the Lord's day, will be a restful afternoon (except for some laundry I still have to fold), however we start up a new year of youth worship tonight, so I'll be back at church this evening. We had a great vacation and I'm missing the sand and surf today, however it's nice to be back and organized before the work week (and dear daughter's first day of 4 year old preschool) begins tomorrow!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Came across your blog from CWO.. I was drawn to it by your name.. very creative and so true..

I love your picture and statement also. May God bless ya sister,
