Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Ah, the sound of silence (well, actually a little snoring!) My daughter fought a nap today, however after telling her she could quietly play in her room - til the buzzer went off (I set an egg timer for an hour. I usually do this when I let her play vs. sleep) - she crawled up in bed anyway and fell asleep! The gentle sound of the rain and the hum of the washer and dyer (?) seemed to have lulled her into dreamland.
Speaking of dreamland... my dreamland centers around the fact that we looked at houses to buy last night. We're renting right now and would like to buy a house sometime so that we aren't just sinking our cash into nothing, but actually investing in real estate. It truly is a buyers market where we live and we have our pick of homes on the market. Of course not all are within our price range, however many homes here sit on the market for months trying to sell (which helps!). We have only bought one other home, so remembering how the process works and the nervous excitement over investing in something so expensive is "scary" all over again.
However, we're in a great/affordable rental right now, so there's no pressure to buy, so that makes it better. We did find a house we liked, though, so my thoughts are constantly playing "what if." Unfortunately it's also along the lines of "what if we can't really afford it?" I mean, on paper our (strict, not much playing-room) budget looks great, but...I dunno! So, we'll see. Nothing is immediately happening though, as hubby's off to a youth mission trip soon and we're not scrambling just to make it work before he leaves. Maybe God will have it sell over his trip and that's a closed door. You know, sometimes God makes it so easy and clear when He shuts doors that so many of my praises are "thank you for closing that door - I know that's not where/what you had for me." In fact, God closed a door on a part time job that I just wasn't sure about this week. The company decided they didn't need the position filled; that they were going to make due without the position. So, I know that He's got something else out there that's better for our family.
Have you ever praised God for closed doors? Share it with me in a comment or blog about it and then let me know.

1 comment:

Robert Wilson said...

It was flashing through the recently updated blogger pages, and the name of yours caught my eye as something I might be interested in. I really do love the hope and encouragment you have found in Christ, thank you for that. Along the lines of shut doors, I never seem to like them at the time (why did this happen, why did she break up with me, et.) but looking back, I know their was a reason for them all. On the other hand, I heard something interesting the otehr day from a pastor, friend, or some other random person; "If you know that God has told you something, and then a door is shut, it doesn't mean that he doesn't want you to do that anymore, it may mean he wants you to enter through the back window."

Enjoy the Moment,