Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Shout" it out!

Had a gross throw-up stain on the carpet from last week that a professional carpet spot remover/liquid just wasn't getting out. I got a tip to try the Shout laundry spot remover on the floor - can I say DUH? Why didn't I think of that? It worked great! Got the spots wet w/ warm water, sprayed Shout on them, let it sit for about 5 mins, then scrubbed the spots w/ fresh warm water and an old toothbrush. Worked like a charm!
Bye bye old yucky throw-up stain!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm with you! Duhh is right. Why didn't I think of that either. Thank you!

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

Thanks so much for this tip! I have some "spots" that I wasn't sure what to do with!