Saturday, July 14, 2007


Ever notice how dragonflies have the ability to just hover in one place for a period of time, but have to use all that energy to move their wings just to not go anywhere? (I guess that would be anything with wings, but I happened to be working in the flower garden today and had a dragonfly come up beside me and just hovered.) I could see his wings just whirling, but he wasn't going anywhere. Do you ever feel like that? Like you're working hard and spending so much time on something, but getting nowhere? Just want to throw your hands up and shout "that's it! I'm done with it!"? Well, hang in there. Take a deep breath and consult the Lord for wisdom before continuing on! Look at what you're doing. Are you glorifying the Lord w/ the decisions you're making? Or are you simploy pursuing something because it's self-gratifying, but not really getting anywhere in the grand-kingdom scheme of things? Make a list today of things that you feel overwhelmed about that you're participating in or pursuing/doing. Pray about them. Ask, "Is this what God wants me to do right now?" Slow down and stop doing the tiring, energy-zapping, dragonfly "hover."


Londradical said...

ciao, nice blog

Anonymous said...

Take a deep breath and consult the Lord for wisdom before continuing on!

Love this and I'm starting my list :)

Thanks for your post today.